
“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” –Mark Jenkins

Monday, 7 August 2017

Farmer's Day (Full Moon)

Sara and the boys
Newbies were clearly playing some kind of drinking game last night, and judging by the noise, it was a roaring success. No sleep again.
Also no staff in the morning today, as it is a public holiday; so no packed lunch was ready, no breakfast was out and it looked like Tracey and I were the only two awake, let alone going to work… Public holiday or not, we had a field of thirsty seedlings to water.
Outside waiting for our 8am taxi and three smartly dressed little lads were patiently waiting for one of the volunteers, Sara, to appear who had promised to take them out.  Sara was in bed. Turns out she meant 6pm not 6am – poor lads had been waiting a good while. Feeling awful, Sara got out of bed and took them for breakfast instead of dinner.
in our Chitenges - from Zita
Got to Linda Farm and began watering, Tracey finished the onions whilst I was still half way through the Okra, so she moved to sweeping leaves and chicken shit from outside the chicken house with two bits of cardboard…Songiso being the only one allowed to use their precious rake.
Being a public holiday, Boodling club started at 11am as the eager ladies started to arrive. Judy had almost completed her bag, as had Vebo. Shocked and very proud of them – they were beaming. Judy had made hers from old T’shirts belonging to each member of her family.
Biltong started whittling some new boodle hooks with a piece of broken glass and some sticks. He has asked for some sandpaper and varnish which we hope to bring him tomorrow.
Taught circular bag bases to Friday’s newbies and Tracey gave a cutting demonstration to show how to get the most out of every T shirt without wasting a shred.  Some women had gone to Marumba market at the weekend and purchased second hand T shirts for 5 Kwacha each (about 50p) – they are all so keen to finish their bags before we leave on Friday.
Biltong carving with broken glass
We went via Shoprite on the way home for much needed beer and snacks – grabbed some sandpaper, but they were out of varnish – will try the hardware store on the way to work in the morning.
Janet's cheeky son
We woofed down another plate of soya pieces in sauce with rice and chilli cabbage whilst another load of new volunteers were busy getting to know each other at the dining table. No energy left for socialising – absolutely exhausted. Let’s hope they keep the noise down tonight; with any luck they will all have realised that a 630am start means a sensible bed time in this African heat.

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